Hi! There welcome back to my blog. I hope you all are doing good enough. In this blog, we will share some information about Rohypnol drugs(Date rape drug). We will tell you all about this drug. Why you should know about this drug and most important. Why it is called a Rape drug?  Every day we face some uncertain things, which is not usual in our daily routine. Sometimes you read something scarce, and you are trying to learn more about it. I think getting the correct information is very important so that you can use it properly.

So here we are writing about a drug which may you don’t know about it. Or you know but not the actual meaning and the right way to use it. If you want to know full details about drug it’s effects, risks & how to be safe so don’t forget to read the full blog.

What is Rohypnol?

Rohypnol is the commerce name for drug Flunitrazepam, a drug or medication used to treat severe insomnia in some hospitals. This medication is used by expert doctors or medical staff, Though it is not legal in some countries. It’s a part of the benzodiazepine category of drugs. It has Valium and Xanax. Why is it not legal? You might think. Because it produces a strong feeling of sedation and anterograde amnesia, people often don’t remember what happened while they were on the drug use. 

Like most drugs, Rohypnol also has its side effects, some of which are dangerous. When you abuse a drug, the risk of experiencing adverse effects increases, this is generally common among people and mostly in teenagers and the adulting phase. Rohypnol has combined with another depressant, such as alcohol, which leads to more concern about harsh effects. 

Effects of Rohypnol

Generally, many people experience with this drug is mild, but these effects often fade after a few days to a couple of weeks. Rohypnol has mild side effects, including:

  • Sedation
  • Nightmares
  • Dizziness
  • Slow breath and heart rate.

These are some of the side effects which is common among people. In some cases, an individual may experience paradoxical effects. Paradoxical effect states – opposite than those of Rohypnol drug used. The first effect of this could be anxiety, aggression, and sedation, which are also very common. That’s why people can’t think about what is happening with that person and ignore it with some relatable excuse.

Nowadays, accidents are very often, and one of the primary reasons behind this is Rohypnol. It is pretty dangerous because you are not in stable condition after using drugs and then behave differently. 

 Okay, so you are talking about mild effects, but the tricky part is severe effects too.

Severe effects:-  taking high doses, Rohypnol can produce several dangerous results. When you intake a drug with alcohol, it can directly affect your brain because Rohypnol is a CNS ( central nervous system) depressant. It slows down the respiratory system and heart rate. 

And if the individual takes high doses, this can result in profound respiratory depression. And further brain damage or death can result if the person doesn’t receive immediate medical treatment.

Where Rohypnol is used?

Might you have thought? What if this drug is dangerous and has side effects that can cause severe impacts, later turning into death? So, where is its actual use?

These thoughts are undeniable, but as you know, every drug has side effects. None of the medicines can ensure you have a healthy body. Because medicine are made up of chemicals. Any medication is dangerous when you have the overdose or without consulting the experts. 

Rohypnol, the medication used to treat severe insomnia and used as anesthesia but in some countries.  

Why is it called a Date rape drug?

It is a tranquillizer more than ten times potent than Valium. Packaging of the drug is, it comes in bubble packaging with white and darkish green pills. And they come in powder form also. 

People snort and smoke it. 

Rohypnol drug has been used to commit sexual assaults because it affects your brain that you can’t handle. You feel dizzy and fell. 

It renders the victim incapable of resting and giving it the reputation of a “date-rape” drug. They lie on the floor, eyes open but completely unable to move. Afterwards, memory is impaired. They cannot recall any of what happened to them. 

 That’s why it is called a date rape drug because whoever give this drug to the victim can’t recognize the culprit. Rape cases are increasing day by day, and the main reason the culprit molests the victim is these kinds of drugs. 

That’s why these drugs are banned in some countries. 

How to keep yourself safe from Rohypnol

Many of you don’t know about it, but awareness of something is essential to save you from further accidents. Rohypnol drug is hazardous to take. You should be aware of its effects so that you can help someone from addicted to the drug.

So let’s start with how to be safe from Rohypnol drugs. This precaution is especially for girls. Whenever you are out for a party with friends or colleagues, be careful never to leave your drink unattended. Always buy your drink. If your taking a bottle or can always ensure the bottle is sealed properly

And also decrease the rape cases as you were aware the people not to use the drug. 

Parents should talk to their children regarding drug abuse. It is essential to teach your children that it can cause severe effects if they use drugs.

 Okay! we hope you get my point, and not to use the drug and also stop the person using it. 

Stay healthy, stay fit. This is the only you can do for yourself to live.

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