Well, hey there, I hope you all are healthy and doing good. Let’s get down to conversate about a massive disaster and HOW TO DEAL WITH COVID-19, CURRENT PHASE OF CORONA VIRUS & VACCINE IN INDIA. 

Correspondingly I m here to talk about what is happening around us and how covid took place in everybody’s minds. Efforts of peoples during covid. And now, what is the position of covid and most crucial COVID-19 vaccine. How beneficial vaccine is or side-Effects of vaccine too. So starting with how peoples are facing problems during COVID-19.

Effect of COVID-19 on human. 

So talking about humans, you and the whole world are intelligent enough to deal with any problems or cope with any situation. But when something happens instantly worst on that very note, our brain vanishes, not working well for some time.

If someone is just unknown of something horrible, we get sick that time with our mind with our society with everything. But as I said, our brain stops working for sometimes not dead we come back to our battle because fortunately, we are humans.

Till now I’m just talking about humans and their intelligence. Why? Because one years ago suddenly the whole world was in halt. A terrible thing happened globally. Yes, I’m talking about coronavirus or covid-19. Peoples were horrified they don’t have a life to live.

The whole world stops no GDP, and no senses were active. Nobody cares about their more enormous they think, what if it won’t go. We all are going to die. The world is going to vanish. But as I said, we are humans. We know how to get rid of difficult situations. In its initial stage, we are fighting very hard.

we studied what this virus stands for, then we’ll be aware that this causes damage to our respiratory system. After that, doctors suggested their prevention. Countries were in lockdown for more protection. So this was just a summary of the pandemic. I’m not going to explain all the situation because you all are aware of this.

Current situation of covid-19 in India. 

As we know, that unlock was the start because during lockdown country faces a massive decrease in GDP. Peoples lost their way they don’t have work. Some peoples were suiciding because of no work no food. So government starts to unlock versions, but without prevention, nobody can come out of their home.

Wearing masks and sanitizers is very important and compulsory too. People were listening to the government, but when time passes, they were losing precautions, so currently, the government decides to pass a paper of lockdown again. So, maybe lockdown starts soon. 

The covid-19 vaccine in India.

When all this coronavirus started, all the researchers and doctors were in trauma in making the vaccine. That will get rid of the virus. Some countries were prosperous in making vaccines, but that’s not worthy for all. They have more side effects than effects. Meanwhile, India was also in making the vaccine. Timeline in India of covid19 vaccine. Vaccine was launched on 16 January 2021 in India. 

covaxin :

India’s first indigenous covid-19 vaccine by Bharat Biotech. Bharat Biotech collaborated with the Indian council of medical research (ICMR). National Institute of virology (NIV). Covaxin is an inactivated vaccine, which has been prepared on a tried and tested platform of dead viruses.

This vaccine is developed with the whole virion inactivated Vero cell-derived technology. They contain inactivated viruses, which can not harm a person. But still can teach the immune system to prepare a defence mechanism against the active virus. There are vaccines for some other diseases as well, which are made using the same technology. Such as 

– Rabies 

– Polio

– Seasonal influenza.

How effective is this covaxin(COVID-19 VACCINE)?

Till now, two phases were done by Bharat Biotech. Covaxin has been developed by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech international LTD.

So the vaccine has shown more than satisfactory results ever since the injection started in India. 

Earlier, the pre-clinical trials of covaxin showed positive results in animal challenge studies. Bharat Biotech still doesn’t have the efficiency data on humans as the phase three trials are still on hold or not complete.

Side-effects of covaxin(COVID-19 VACCINE).

According to the factsheet given by the company, moderate or significantly fewer chances of side-effects can be expected. Some of the side effects of injection include redness in the arm, pain, headache, vomiting & Weakness. 

As I said, phase 3 is still on hold, so extreme reactions haven’t been noticed exponentially. Scientists have warned that there is very little chance of developing unusual reactions, including body pain, breathing problems, cardiac symptoms, etc. 

So this was about covaxin in India, its position, effects, side-effects. And some facts.

Another vaccine launched by the Indian government or scientist was covishield. Let’s get to know about covishield.


The oxford-AstraZeneca has developed Covishield. And manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII).Covishield has been prepared using the viral vector platform, which is a different technology. 

A chimpanzee adenovirus-ChAdOx1. It has been modified to enable it to carry the COVID-19 spike protein into the cell of humans. But this cold virus is not capable of infecting the receiver. But can well teach the immune system to prepare a defence against viruses. 

This kind of technology is used for virus-like Ebola.

How is effective covishield?

Till now, covishield has shown a very satisfactory result of 62 percent. As I mentioned, covishield techniques are used for the Ebola virus, so it tends to cope with the virus. Covishield. 

Covishield has been allowed for restricted use in emergencies that can prevent coronavirus infection. Peoples ageing 18 years or above.

Covishield side-effects:

Regarding certain side-effects made many consider it a bit unsafe for use. This report from France claims some side effects. Especially amongst the senior citizen. 

Factsheet mention that a person can develop some symptoms. Such as warmth, itching, fatigue, chills, fever, aches. Extremely high temperature over 102 degrees Fahrenheit. So these are some side effects of covisheld according to factsheets. 

Both the vaccines have shown effects and side-effects too. But the Indian government is clear about both vaccines. So follow the rules and regulations related to coronavirus. Wear the mask, use sanitizer, keep social distancing. 

Okay! So this was all about COVID-19 vaccines in India. Peoples during corona time. If you have queries regarding vaccines, comment it down, and ill assure you to give the valid information. 

And please be safe because vaccines are temporary, but the constant is you and your precautions. Be healthy.

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