Hello, all; welcome back to another blog; as you all know, cases of CORONA (covid-19) are increasing rapidly. In this blog, we will tell you all about WHY INDIA IS SUFFERING FROM THE SECOND WAVE OF CORONA?

 India is currently witnessing the most unfortunate and fatal resurgence of coronavirus. According to the experts, this is a “double-mutant” variant and is spreading more rapidly than the previous one.

 But why is this happening? What are the mistakes that our government and we as citizens of this nation have made? What is the current scenario, and is it likely to get even worse from here? Are young people getting more infected this time? This blog will answer these and many such questions of yours.


 When mutants of corona (Covid-19) were observed in countries like the UK around September 2020, it should have been an alarm for our country to be prepared. But our ministers very nonchalantly ignored it and focused on more “important” issues like election rallies.

Our health minister was found quoting that India has won the battle against coronavirus. The citizens of this country probably forgot that the WHO and the central health ministry released some safety guidelines.

The result of all this is that India is currently going through the second wave and recording more than 3 Lakh cases every day. No other country has ever recorded these many cases in a single day. The virus has infected around 1.83 Crore people till now in the biggest democracy of the world.


 The new variant is B.1.617. The initially detected in India with two mutations — the E484Q and L452R. The discovery in late December by a scientist, but the government downplayed its presence for the next 3-4 months.

Finally, on 25 March, they officially declare that a new variant of the coronavirus detects from samples from different states, but it was already too late.


 The primary point is that hospitals are conducting tests at a much higher pace in this second wave in comparison to the first. So it is obvious that more cases are in the report. Secondly, people were traveling a lot in the past few months. It has undoubtedly played a prominent role in infecting so many people across the country.

  Also, as per the experts, 80-85% of the infected population in India is asymptomatic. Therefore they continue to be the largest carrier of the virus. These people unknowingly go on infecting people in their surroundings.


Contrary to what most of us think, the data doesn’t show a massive spike in the number of youngsters infected in this second wave. In the first wave, around 4.2 percent of patients in hospital are in the age bracket 0-19 years, in which there is an increase to 5.8 this time. Similarly, for the 20-29 bracket, the percentage has increased from 23.7 to 25.5.

 As for the people above 40 years, the numbers are almost the same. Around 70% of the people being hospitalized in both waves have been from this age group.

 However, this time around, the shortness of breath and oxygen requirement has increased significantly. The shortness of breath has increased from 41.7% to 47.5%. The need for oxygen has raised 13.4%, currently standing at 54.5 %. It was at 41.1% during the first wave.



 As mentioned above, the need for oxygen has significantly increased this time, and therefore, the concerned authorities are facing many problems to make oxygen available in the hospitals. In the interval 21-27 April, the demand for medical oxygen increased by 18% across 12 states.

Indian Railways have already started Oxygen Express trains transporting liquid medical oxygen to various states across the country. Also, many counties such as the USA, Australia, and Russia have stepped up to provide India with oxygen concentrators and similar types of machinery.


 According to a BBC survey, most of the ICU beds in Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad are occupied. And though the official data shows that the mortality rate hasn’t increased a lot compared to the first wave, the ground reports tell a different story.

The truth is that most of the deaths are not in the report. The official data for deaths in Bhopal on a day was 34, but according to the crematoriums in the city, the number was around 824.

 Hope you got the answer to many questions that you have in your mind. Please understand how serious the situation is right now, and don’t go outside unless you have any important work.

You don’t need to panic, though. Follow the guidelines issued by our health ministry, stay at home unless it’s very important to go out, and be compassionate towards the people around you.

Hope the above information are useful. If you want to ask any queries or suggestion related to above content. Feel free to contact us, join us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/anything_at_one/

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